My boyfriend. And his computer.

My boyfriend is incredibly cute. He likes to lie in bed with me with his palm propping up his head and telling me about his CS homework problems. After ten minutes of explaining a problem to me, well, it’s too much material for me to handle, but he’s very content and cute with explaining every last detail to me… and that’s just really cute. After I said “honey…..” and tried to roll away he grabbed me and held me and continued to explain stuff about multiple interfaces, so I tickled him. After making him very uncomfortable, he propped his head up again and said, “So, a value and a list…”

Oh my gooooosh begosh you are so cute. Let me take you home!!

Today’s the last day of classes. I got a B+ on my huge paper for public policy and a 35/40 on one of my enviro econ problem sets… Two more classes and I’m done!

Going somewhere fun tonight…in Fenway… 🙂